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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 8:57 am    Post subject: The Hunt Reply with quote

WARNING! This storygame contains sex, violence, and swearing, the latter two coming in generous quantities.

(Check the newstorygames forum for a background check)

The waves lapped calmly against the side of the hovercraft, and a small crowd of about twenty five people stood their beneath the Korean sun. Lucian's head hurt from the blow he'd sustained back in New York. Some psychos had attacked him, but this Island was horrifyingly familiar, he knew where he was. He'd watched the show once, out of interest. But it was so sick, he couldn't watch anymore. The man in the suit started to speak:
"Hello Campers! Welcome to the hunt! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to win 250 million dollars! You have been chosen to participate in our fine sport, you should feel privileged! Now, as you'll hopefully be seeing plenty of each other in the next couple of days, it's best that you'll at least know each other's names, that's only polite, isn't it?"
A scared looking man, about twenty, was led up. "What's your name, and where do you ccome from?" They asked him. He replied, panic in his voice.
"What? Fuck you! I'm not gonna stay here! Someone fucking help me! Anyone!! Hel...." He was cut short as the man in the suit shot him in the back of the head, he was carried off and thrown overboard. A strange looking man walked up next to the suited man, his eyes were wild, yet contained a cool calculating look.
"Hello, my name is Yuri, I come from Ukraine."
"Hello Yuri" Droned some of the others, it sounded like an AA meeting.
Yuri walked off, and a girl, quite young walked up.
"Hello, my name is Alice, I come from England.
"Hello Alice."
"Hello, my name is Ying Xiao, I come from China"
"Hello Ying Xiao."
"Hello, my name is Jeremy, I come from Canada."
"Hello Jeremy"
"Hello, my name is Andy, I come from New Zealand."
"Hello Andy"
"Hello, my name is Lucian, I come from America."
"Hello Lucian".......

The names continued, Lucian counted there to be twenty four people left, number 25 feeding the fishes. He knew that soon, almost all of these people would be dead. That was the rules. Twenty five go in, one comes out. The stuff in between was broadcast all over the world. THe man in the suit put his hands together, and a smile spread across his face.
"Now, isn't that better? Hopefully, you all watch this at home?"
"Yes....." Droned the other "campers".
"Then you know the rules?"
Again, that droning "Yes....."
"Excellent, now, You'll all be give tinned food, the rest can be secured on the island once the games begin, the "tools" will be randomly dropped, understood?"
Once again, that "Yes...." Maybe the others were still in shock from their kidnapping and being told they'd have to kill each other on some godforsaken Island off the coasts of Korea.

Lucien was dropped on a random stretch of coast, with an english gentleman by the name of Tony, Tony, on the ride, had thrown up overboard, he'd watched "The hunt" Everyday in the comfort of his own home. They'd silently agreed to make a pact-not to kill each other until it was completely unavoidable. Lucian knew Tony would probably double-cross him soon, that was the way things worked, after all. Lucian checked his tinned food.
"Fuck, there's no fucking can opener."
"What the hell do you mean?"
"They haven't given us any fucking way to open the goddam food!"
Lucien threw his can out into the sea, then realised his mistake. He kicked up the sand in a rage. Then collapsed backwards into the sand. Tony sighed, and kicked him lightly.
"Come on Luian, we'd better get going."
Lucian swallowed and nodded, he was still wearing the suit he'd been kidnapped in. Tony kept a straight face, but he was perspiring wildly. He was as scared as Lucian, but neither could show any weakness. Tony kneeled down.
"Ok Lucian, I watch "The hunt" all the time. There's an abandoned industriual town nearby, the rest is mainly forest, but there's some open meadow. As for the others, they'll be scattered on the beaches. We'll need weapons, otherwise we'll be the first to die. The guns will be dropped by aircraft randomly. We need to act fast." Tony's voice shook just then, for a second. Lucian nodded and pulled himself up. The next couple of days were going to be hell. He needed a plan, but what?

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 9:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ooh cool!
Stuff here
Da Huuuuub
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 10:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

this is way phat!!! :twisted:
watch out behind you....
to late........ Smile
!! for a story!
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 10:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

These are always fun.

Sector 17 -- Rebuilding... ... ...

In the desert
I saw a creature, naked, bestial,
Who, squatting upon the ground,
Held his heart in his hands,
And ate of it.
I said, "Is it good, friend?"
"It is bitter--bitter," he answered;
"But I like it
Because it is bitter
And because it is my heart."  -- Stephen Crane
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 4:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nice and cool...
I'm gona like this... 8)
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 7:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Does anyone have any ideas for what to do next? I want a masterpiece of a plan. Don't disappoint me!
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 5:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cool opening. I'll bite - here are some ideas...

1. First, pick Tony's brain - find out everything he knows about the game. What strategies have people tried, what's worked, what hasn't. Everything there is to know about the geography of the place.

2. Kill Tony. More food for you. If alliances are possible, you'll have other opportunities.

3. The first weapon drops will probably attract everyone and turn bloody. Too chaotic, you want to be in control. Skip the first drops, let the enemies kill each other. Better yet, when the first drop happens, head to the other end of the island - maybe you'll get lucky and be closer to the next one.

4. How does this get on TV? Are there camera crews? Kill them and impersonate a cameraman. Or kill them and get yourself lost, so nobody will know where you might strike from. (I don't trust the producers not to give you away to other contestants).

That's all I've got for now.
Abduction! is in the Stasis Hall, but read it anyway!
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 17, 2005 10:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Definitely pump Tony for information - the more you can learn from others the better. But don't kill him yet. An alliance could help you survive a lot longer. You both know that you'll have to turn against each other in the end, but right now your best chance is to stick together.

I don't think you can afford to skip the first weapons drops. It's going to be way harder if someone else has a gun and you don't. I'd say you and Tony quickly take the high ground where you can see the weapons drops come. You want to head for the ones that are farthest from the beaches where everyone else is, and where you don't see anyone else going.
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2005 2:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think like key. You are going to need Tony. Take all the information you can, because maybe he will hide some information to win. Don't kill him you are going to need him to take down the rest of the people.

Be in the first drop, be in all the drops that you can. You are going to need everything or at least you can know how many people still alive and who is the best killer in the island. That's information you are going to need when trying to kill them...
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 4:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Powers That Be wrote:
Cool opening. I'll bite - here are some ideas...

2. Kill Tony. More food for you. If alliances are possible, you'll have other opportunities.

When I first read this, I thought Powers meant Lucian could actually eat Tony, until I remembered about the tinned food.
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2005 4:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

WARNING! This storygame contains sex, violence, and swearing, the latter two coming in generous quantities.

Lucian beckoned for Tony to come closer, Tony did so, and stood impatiently iin the sand. Lucain asked him, "Tony, what else do you know about this place? Apart from the Town, what other buildings are there? This is important Tony, if you hide nothing from me, I'll hide nothing from you. I need to know Tony."
Lucian tried to sound as calm as possible, trying to include Tony's name as much as possible, making out he was a friend.
"Wellllll.....There is a weather station, but that's on the other side of the Island...."
"Do you know what's in it?"
Tony was silent, until his face lit up. "Dammit! How could I forget? The Weather Station has a map of the Island, and some emergency supplies: first aid kits, food, flares, that kind of thing."
Lucian patted him on the back. "Nice going Tony, we'd better head there!"
"But.... I don't know where we are......."
Lucian groaned. "Fuck. I forgot about that."
"Tony was on a high after his discovery. "Come on Lucian, let's just follow our noses!"
"I hope you know what you're doing....." murmered Lucian.

Jeremy kept walking through the abandoned town, he was lucky, being dropped off nearby. It had been about one hour since the "games" began, and Jeremy scoured the area for anything of use. He found a fire axe in a glass box that read: BREAK GLASS IN CASE OF EMERGENCY. Jeremy was in a personal emergency, so he shrugged as he took the axe. He was bound to kill someone with this. That's if the need ever arose, of course, which Jeremy knew would, deep down.

Yuri was a strange man, he'd won the previous games, and passed up the money, now, he was back. He almost enjoyed this. The hunt was where he felt safest. You either kill or be killed, not like the rest of the world, which was shrouded with lies. Here it was straightfoward. He was just walking into the town, the last time he was here, he discoverd various routes around the Island, he knew the town housed many weapons, both firearms and melee weapons. He stoped at a vets, he walked out again, with a small smile on his face.

An hour and a half had passed since the games began, and Lucian and Tony came out of the woods they navigated through, to see a grey town ahead. The duo agreed to avoid the town, instead travelling through the outskirts. But soon, they were trapped. "God dammit....." said Lucian. "This canal spreads all around the town, It's too far to jump...."
Tony came up next to him. "There are two places we can go. " We can go into the town and around, we can go the other way, but that would delay us by about a day, or we can actually go into the canals, but who know what the hell is in that fucking shit pit? Your call Lucian......"
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

go into the town if things get scary use tony as a meat shield
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 23, 2005 9:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Go into the canals. Going into town would risk running into someone, which you don't want to do until you've got weapons and supplies.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 6:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

See? Key is in the right frame of thinking. Tell me Duffman, I'm curious. Give me a reason for your choice.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 6:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

mmm... well... I'm not sure what to choose...

Let's just go into the canals, I think... Roll
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2005 7:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

there will be weapons in the town and tony isnt an asset hes expendeble
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PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 10:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tony isn't expendable, eventually, Lucian will have to sleep, Someone will have to keep watch. Also, a friend would be good in a stressful time like this.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 4:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

WARNING! This storygame contains sex, violence, and swearing, the latter two coming in generous quantities.

William hiked through the woods. He saw the crate parachute into these woods, if he found a gun, then all those bastards out they were dead. This Island was so much different from South Africa, he felt like a stranger on a different planet. Bamboo sprouted everywhere. He eventually found it, a crate, covered by the parachute, he ran towards it and opened it, it was..........
empty! He turned around, a Japanese man was behind him, he was pointing a sawn-off shotgun at him , William froze, until he squeaked, "Motherfucker......" A bang drowned out the thud of the bullet hitting him in the chest, blood splurted everywhere, it went all over the man, who held the smoking gun in his hands. William was blown backwards, He was losing his vision, The second shot in the face finished him off.

Lucian and Tony jumped into the canal, there was an old car, which seemd pretty useless, but, beneath the car, was something much more usefell, it was a gun. It was a 9mm, but it would still mean that he would improve his chances of surviving. The drops were plentiful though, so soon all the survivors would be armed. Lucian showed it to Tony, then stuck it into his belt. They heard gunshots, coming from the woods. The game had already started! They slipped into the old car, Tony was doing something with the wires. Lucian leaned over. "What are you doing?"
"Hotwiring the car."
"You know how to do that?"
"When I was younger, I tended to get into trouble."
"Oh. Fine."
Soon, the car spluttered into life
"Fuck yeah! Still got it."

Hadrian strolled around the canals, his AK-47 was a formidable weapon. He thought he heard a car start in the canals. Impossible, surely?

The car drove down the canals, which altough filthy, was relatively free of junk. They saw what looked like a man ahead, he was holding something.....

What the? It was a car! He raised his AK, and opened fire. THe bangs were very loud, and it shuddered uncontrollably with the recoil. But he managed to keep his aim straight. They were going to fucking regret this.

"Fuck! Tony! He's firing at us!"
"I fucking know!"
The car accelerated, but couldn't turn in the narrow, dry canal. The windcreen shattered from the bullets, At the same time, Tony and Hadrian let out a scream. Behind hadrain was a wall, which he crushed up into, by the car. The impact slammed Lucian and Tony fowards, the car crumpled under the force, then rolled back, the top half of Hadrian stayed put, but (What was left of) the legs stayed put. Blood was everywhere, Tony's blood filled the car, he had a look of terror still on his face, which was smeared with blood. Lucian moved Tony. "What? Come on Tony, Tony? Tony! Don't die! Don't die on me you bastard!"
Too late. He was dead. Unfortunatley for Lucian, rigormortis came into Hadrian's arm, and the AK spewed bullets into the car. Fuck!
Lucian fell out the door, one of those fucking bullets had gone straight through his arm. His blood mixed with Tony's as it splattered on the back window. Tony's body did an insane jig as the bullets tore through him, as if he didn't have enough in him for Christ's sake. Lucian pryed the AK from Hadrian's hands, with some spare ammo, took his supplies, he then crossed Tony's arms over his chest and closed his eyes. He said a silent prayer for Tony. Wait.........Lucian smelled burning, Shit! The Car was on fire!
Lucian ran for cover, a lick of heat followed him, as well as a deafening explosion, the gunfire and crash must have ignited the gas tank, shit, Tony was now roasted as well. If this were a movie, Lucian would have thought, fucking overkill. But instead he kept running, tears streaming from his eyes.

Koushun looked down at the dead south African, his brains were everywhere, and blood soaked into the soil, he took the man's food, and continued.

Lucian, fell from running. He had only know Tony for about an hour, but he felt like a hevy blow had been struck. He had been hit in several places, and his head had been vut by a piece of glass in the explosion. The AK was slung over his back, and the 9mm was tucked in his belt. He wold avenge Tony, he would avenge all the poor souls brought here against their will. He would escape, kill their instructor, and destroy the fucking company that funded this sick sport. His orange tie was now a bandanna, it served as a bandage for the cut on his head, but a red patch was appearing, he didn't notice the throbbing pain. His heart was filled with fury. He will destroy the Hunt. He swore there, that was his meaning in life. To end the Hunt.

For good.
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 4:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What will Lucian do now?

a) Head for the weather station
b) Go into Town
c) Head for the beaches again
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

WARNING! This in-character response includes naughty language.

Jesus Christ, I knew I should have killed Tony right away - what a fucking idiot. First, he doesn't tell me shit about how the damn game works - I'm lucky I learned about the weather station from him. And then, not only does he start the car, letting everyone within a mile know where we are, but then he starts driving it - in a canal, where the only thing to do is run into a fucking wall. Good riddance!

Ok, now I'm armed - weapons aren't a big deal now, it's all about ammo. And if I'm really going to end the hunt for good, it's time to seriously begin thinking out of the box.

I don't think I'll be able to convince everyone to not play along - we all saw what happened to that whiny mofo on the boat. So I either need to stop the broadcast, kill the assholes in charge of this thing, or something else they can't control.

For now, I need to get to the weather station. Gotta have that map, and definitely need the first aid stuff (fuckin' Tony). After that, I need to make some serious plans.

OOC: Again, I ask - where are the cameras?
Abduction! is in the Stasis Hall, but read it anyway!
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 8:04 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree with Powers - get the map and first aid kit. The weather station sounds like a place we can defend, now that we've got the AK-47. Better to hole up for awhile and let the rest of them fight it out.

I've been trying to think of a way to end the Hunt, but all I can think of is to win first. The people who run this game hold all the cards. They must have aerial surveillance and teams of people with much better weapons, equipment, and transport than anything they're dropping. They might even have done sneaky stuff like implanting tracking devices into us, so that they know where to send the cameras. We can't take them out. If we try to convince the others not to fight, the TV guys would probably just kill us. So I can't think of any way to break this game without getting out, and the only way out is to win.

Ending the Hunt and avenging the others are good reasons to live, but before we can avenge the others we have to kill them.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 3:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm with you two. The best thing is to win and later take care of the Hunt.

And maybe the best thing to do now is head for the weather station. I hope so.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 7:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think you're being quite unfair on Tony, without Tony hotwiring that car, Hadrian would have almost certaintly killed both of them, Without the protection of the car, Lucian would now be dead. Also, without Tony's knowledge, Lucian would never find out about the Weather Station. I think Tony didn't die in vain, although his death to me is tragic, as originally I wanted him to live, but changed my mind at the last minute.
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Agent Of Peace


PostPosted: Thu Jun 30, 2005 8:39 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

1st, great story, really well written.
2nd, have you by any chance read 'The Running Man' by Stephen King? lol. The storylines sound quite similar.

3rd, he should go to the weather station.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

You know what, You're the 4th person to have asked me that. Do be quite honest, the storyline more closely resembles Battle Royale.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 4:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Cowofdoom666 wrote:
You know what, You're the 4th person to have asked me that. Do be quite honest, the storyline more closely resembles Battle Royale.

Lol. Very Happy You still didnt answer my question; have you read it??
And who wrote battle royal
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 10:05 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Koushun Takami, there's a review in the open forum.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 10:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You know, I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this or not, and it completely escaped me the first time I read this, but I think there are at least three names used in this story that were also the names of main characters in the video game Shadow Hearts. Not that that makes them incredibly unique or anything, but that game is the only place I have seen two of those names, and the fact that the same group of three is used is a little weird... man, that was one screwed up game.

But fun!

Anyway - intentional or extreme coincidence?

Sector 17 -- Rebuilding... ... ...

In the desert
I saw a creature, naked, bestial,
Who, squatting upon the ground,
Held his heart in his hands,
And ate of it.
I said, "Is it good, friend?"
"It is bitter--bitter," he answered;
"But I like it
Because it is bitter
And because it is my heart."  -- Stephen Crane
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 3:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What? Damn, I got Yuri from Shadow hearts, but the rest are complete coincidences, the answer is.... yes and no....

(P.S Wow, I found someone else who's played Shadow Hearts, cool 8) )
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 9:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, I only realized it because I literally paused the sequel to check the forums, and I saw the name Yuri at the top and thought waaiiiit a second... Yuri... Alice... and Ying Xiao?

But here I have to correct myself; I was confusing Ying Xiao with the name Liu Zhuzhen (I know, they're not similar at all... don't ask.)

Anyway, so that makes only two instead of three names, and since Shadow Hearts is just about the only other place I've seen the name Yuri, I can easily see how the name Alice would just pop out with it subconsciously for anyone who's played it - wholly understandable.

Sector 17 -- Rebuilding... ... ...

In the desert
I saw a creature, naked, bestial,
Who, squatting upon the ground,
Held his heart in his hands,
And ate of it.
I said, "Is it good, friend?"
"It is bitter--bitter," he answered;
"But I like it
Because it is bitter
And because it is my heart."  -- Stephen Crane
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 8:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

true. true.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 1:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Go into the town I think that if you could find a weapon then you can be the hunter instead of the hunted.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

He does have weapons, he has an AK-47 and a 9mm Beretta.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 9:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Powers That Be wrote:
OOC: Again, I ask - where are the cameras?

Sorry, forgot to say, the Cameras are everywhere, on the weapons, in the buildings, weapon crates, trees, everywhere, You can't escape them, if a blind spot is discovered, a camera is planted as soon as possible.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 2:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

well I just read your latest chapter Cow. Im addicted cause I like Battle Royale Smile and your writing in here is intense. It's all good.
May have accidentally come up with a new Sci-Fi Storygame.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

WARNING! This storygame contains sex, violence, and swearing, the latter two coming in generous quantities.

Maria ran. She ran as fast as she could, there were several reasons for this: She was unarmed, her assailant was armed, he had a sawn-off shotgun, which, by the looks of the nearby body,, had claimed its first victim. The woods were a blur as she ran, leaves and thorns scratched her face, but she kept running nonetheless. That was, until she reached the hill. Then she fell.

Lucian stopped, what was that noise? Shit!

Maria looked at the man she had just fallen onto, he was armed. Out of the frying pan into the fire huh? THe man looked at her, his suit was muddy, and burn marks and blood could be seen in various places, his distasteful orange tie served as a bandana, and a bandage at the same time. Their eyes locked for a second, until a bang could be heard, a nearby tree exploded into a shower of splinters. The man pushed her back, behind a ruined wall. THe sky was overcast now, and a chilling wind blew. Quite fitting for such a dark time. THe man pointed his rifle at where the shot had come from. An Asian man stood there, in his hands was shotgun. A small one, but just as deadly. The man shot at thge assailant, cartridges falling to the floor, but her just leaped down the hill, rolling to avoid the bullets.

Lucian joined the girl behind the wall. He stood up, his head poking above the wall, he let off some more shots, the assailant dodged them as well. "Motherfucker!" Shouted Lucian, he was fast! He pulled out the beretta and gave it to the girl. "Fire, just fire at him" She replied in italian. Shit. He fired again at the man. He dived behind another wall. This was bullshit. Lucian would have to escape. But how?

The man had said something in English, Maria didn't understand, she had been learning english, but in the gunfire and screaming, she couldn't work out what he had said. She looked at the gun he had thrown to her. She picked it up, leaned to the side, and screamed as the wall disintergrated right by her head, as another shell ripped into it. She tried again, and squeezed a few shots off. THe man tried to cross to another wall, where he would have a better shot, but he trpiied as he ran, he spun in the air, and struggled to get up.

Koushun gripped his sawn-off, a stray bullet had caught him in the leg. Shit. It was right in his thigh. He barely noticed the pain though. He had trained for this game for years. He wasn't going to lose. He raised his gun, and fired again. But the recoil and his awkward position caused him to miss. He got up and limped, still under fire, down another hill, as he slid, he tucked his gun into his belt, and slipped into a river.

Lucian looked down at the man, who was floating down the river face down, he must be dead. Poor Bastard. He turned to the girl. Who still clutched the pistol he had given her. "Do you speak english?" He asked.
"Little, yes."
"Good. I'm Lucian."
"Maria. Nice you"
Lucian smiled. Maybe this game would be a bit more bearable. Maybe.

Koushun dragged himself onto a riverbank, the little charade of the body in the river had payed off, the American hadn't finished him off. Perfect. His gun wasn't damaged either. Even better. He tore off some of his shirt, and made a tightly constricting bandage, to stop the bleeding. He then kept on going. He was bound to reach someone else soon.

Last edited by Cowofdoom666 on Sat Jul 09, 2005 2:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 7:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There are two ways to the weather station from Lucian and Maria's current position. Both take virtually the same time, but both who knows what's lurking each way?

a) Take the Forest

b) Take the coast
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is a little hard.

In the forest they can be hiden and kill you before you see them. But there you can hide too and not be an easy target.

In the coast you can be an easy target but you can also have more visibility about where the enemy can be.

I think so.

I vote for... the coast
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Since there are only 25 people (less now) in the game, I wouldn't be worried about stumbling on someone in the forest who just happens to be hiding out in the right place. I'd be more worried about being seen on the coast.

So I vote for the forest.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2005 4:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmmmm......A tie....... I'll need more votes!
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