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PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 10:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 2:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Your poll's only been up two days, Masterweaver. Let it run for a week - maybe post a couple of days before you intend to close it. This time of year is a little slower too. Patience! Wink
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 7:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Poll is shut down. I will writith something... Later.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The creature was a strange being, clothed in ashen rags and delicately balanced on three stiff legs. The nearly skeletal face was enveloped in brown bush-like quills, which branched from the skin in complicated formation. What little skin there was had an unhealthy orange flabbiness about it, merging with the rags indiscriminately. It peered at him with an enduring fascination.

There was silence.

Uncomfortably, he moved to break it. “Hello… friend. I wonder, could you point me to the nearest human settlement?”

“Yes. I will take you to my village.”

“Your village. Your village has… humans?”

“Surely, for am I not human?”

The two stared at each other. The red one looked away.

“Of course. Yes, you are… human.”

“Well, then you shall travel with me. Our village is only a short distance away. What is your name, stranger?”

“I… do not know what my name is.”

His companion nodded, as if that were to be expected. “Knowledge will know. He always does. My name is Flab.”

“What an… appropriate name.”

“Come. If we are to get there by mid-sun, we must leave now.” Flab turns and, with surprising agility, began to climb the cliff.

With one last glance behind him, the red one followed, careful not to crush his guide.


“Knowledge! I bring the stranger! He has not a name.”

The red one looked about. Haggard faces on strange bodies paused in their toils over fields of scraggly plants to look at him in fear. He quickly turned away.

Flab addressed a being that had four long, thin legs with bulging knees. Attached to the ribbed body, a three-eyed beaked head gazed upon him. In a method similar to Flab’s, a large mass of green quills branched into a complicated formation from the head.

He began to lever himself to the red one, who suddenly realized that what had been taken for forefeet were, in fact, two-fingered hands.

“So… You are the shinebeast Farsight reported. Unusually well constructed for one.” Knowledge tapped the red one’s arm with his finger. “Hollow, too. They cram whatever they can fit in. No, you are no shinebeast. Tell me, can you remember anything?”

“Glimpses. Of a different world. The humans I know were… different. More like each other.”

“Then you are indeed old. It is said mankind was once all one, before the ancients fell. But now, our structure rots, shifting with every birth. Oh, well, nothing to be done about it. Can you tell me anything?”

“There were cities. Skyscrapers, very tall… and cars. I liked cars. Collected them, in fact.”

“So. Ancient words, ancient objects? No reason to how the ancients fell?”

“Not exactly. I remember… I remember there were large explosions. And some humans, rushing to save everyone else.”

Knowledge sighed happily. “So. We were not cowards to be punished. That guilt, at least, can be laid to rest. I thank you for your help, and for it, I give you a name; Redemption.”

The red one mouthed the word to himself. It somehow seemed to be very fitting.

“And now, I must ask you to help us.” Knowledge turned to face the fields. “We try to grow food out here, but most of what we eat is hunted down. I presume you will join one of our parties?”

“I would be honored to assist. I only hope I can repay your kindness.”

“Trust me, Redemption, you will be assisting in a very important manner. Flab.”

Flab snapped back to the conversation. “Yes, Knowledge?”

“Get together a hunting party. Strength, Long, the usual.”

“Yes, Knowledge.” Flab sprinted away, leaving Redemption with Knowledge.

“Perhaps you could accompany me to the caverns?” Without pausing for an answer, Knowledge confidently began levering across the rocks. “It is not that I would not stay and help, but the sun burns me more then others.”

Redemption followed him, stepping carefully to avoid crushing his companion. “You live in caves?”

“Where else could we live? Sunrise is the fractured desert, sunset lay the shinebeasts. Only the mountains are truly ours. Be careful, these rocks are weak.”

“But… What about other lands? Plains of grass? Forests of trees?”

“If those places exist anymore, they are beyond our reach. We can only hope to find small meals here, but they are enough to live on.”

Redemption stopped, shocked. “You are bone-thin! Most of your people are nearly skeletons! How can you day that?”

Knowledge barked out a laugh. “Relax, I am only twenty. I plan to live for another decade yet. Ah, yes, here we are.” Knowledge panted for breath.

Redemption glanced behind. They had only traveled twenty meters.

“Farsight! How are you?”

Redemption turned to view what he had first taken to be some strange statue. It was pale, albino pale, with feet directly attached to the hips and eyes that took up half its noseless face. Because it was bald, he could see that a fleshy sack hung from the back of the head on top of the back.

The worst part was, this was the most human being he had yet encountered.

“Farsight, this is Redemption, the being you saw. It turns out it is not a shinebeast, but something more unique.”

Farsight tilted his gaze up, careful not to allow his head sack to slide off his back. “He certainly is tall.”

“He is going to hunt with a group. I am sure we will find him a useful asset there.”

“That he would be.” Farsight took one last look up and down his body, then remembered himself. Don’t just stand there, come in! Trust me, the cavern is at least as high as you, though you may disturb the bats.”

Redemption sighed. “If you insist.” Getting onto his hands and knees, he cautiously crawled into the cave. Knowledge levered himself patiently after him.

The inside of the cave was well lit by the sun streaming in, with every crevice highlighted in shadow. A few of the things that called themselves humans rested here, and stared openly at him.

“This is redemption,” announced Knowledge. “He will be staying with us for a while. Please, make him welcome.”

The group relaxed, though they still took to glancing at him. Knowledge levered himself to a small ledge and folded himself up.

“Need my beauty sleep,” he explained when redemption glanced at him quizzically.

Redemption nodded and sat down. That made about as much sense as anything else here.


Redemption looked up. A young woman with black hair, who only had one leg and stood on ramshackle crutches, was addressing him. She wore what might have been a simple dress eons ago, but was now very tattered.


“So… what are you?”

Redemption shrugged. “I don’t know. A shinebeast, maybe.”

“No, Ear said Knowledge said you weren’t a shinebeast.”

Redemption nodded. With a name like Ear, it made sense. “What is a shinebeast, anyway?”

“I’ve never seen one up close. I think they’re ancient creations of some sort.” She looked him up and down, then sat down next to him.

“I’m curious. There are a lot of people here, but a lot more in the fields. Why--?”

“Oh, that one’s easy.” She held up her arms. They ended in stumps. “I was born without hands. My name’s Wrist, by the way.”

“Redemption. Pleased to meet you.”

“Yeah. All those who are unfit for work can do whatever they want, so long as they stay out of the way. I used to be out, with scythes tied to my arms, but then a longtooth snagged my leg.” She sighed. “Now I’m only a breeder, except I’m underage so I can’t do that.”

“Well.” Redemption decided that the conversation had taken too awkward a turn to continue. He was saved when Flab scampered in.

“Redemption! I’ve got the party together. We need to go!”

“Nice talking with you,” Wrist said, standing up. “Hope you snag a big one.”

Redemption nodded and crawled out after Flab. “What are we hunting?”

“Oh, you’ll see,” Flab replied. “Though I’d suggest you be ready to dodge a lot.”
Our hero has a name! But what does he hunt? Feel free to suggest ANYTHING!
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Quite an interesting story. Very well written. Can't wait to read on.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 6:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Okay, so it's well-written. Where will it go?
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

How about unicorns ? For there blood or horns ?
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, I could deal with that...

We've got unicorns! Any other suggestions?
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Scarrobs (don't know how it's spelled)
Elves ?
Dwarfs ?
Slithering silver serpents with a poisonous bite ?
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'll keep your suggestions in mind, but this isn't fantasy.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Well then how about wild animals such as boar, ox, bears, wolves ?
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 29, 2007 7:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mys, I understand that you are trying to be helpful, and that I provoked you. Generally, however, we let other people attempt to offer suggestions as well.
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 6:55 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So far, thanks to our friendly Mys, we have Unicorns, Serpents of Silver, and Wolves. Does anyone wish to suggest anything more... mutated? This is post apocalypse...
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 9:13 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Perhaps some form of freakishly deformed insect like gigantic grasshoppers equipped with a hornet's stinger and a spider's mandibles?
Eadgar's Saga Chapter 2 POLL

Abattoir Chapter 2!
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

spitting cobra's, with scorpion stingers on their tails.

good job MW, very minor errors and a decent intro to the people of the future. keep working on it and giving me more to read Smile
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 12:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

A mutant tribe of obscenely long armed humans whose skin is the color of gang green and smell like it two. They move like gorillas and have weird spines jutting from their vertebrae. Those are the males. The females look human and are incredibly sexy and ooze sexual appeal.

Pretty Thing
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 7:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

So that's Jack's Zergling, Messy's Scrobras, and Plates' Gangly Gangreen.

Poll is up! Head to the petting zoo and feed your vote to the animal of your choice!
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just caught up with this, but judging by the poll it doesn't look like you need any more suggestions!

Here's a bit of a crit for you...

A few techy bits to watch out for -

Uncomfortably, he moved to break it. “Hello… friend. I wonder, could you point me to the nearest human settlement?”

“Yes. I will take you to my village.”

“Your village. Your village has… humans?”

“Surely, for am I not human?”

The two stared at each other. The red one looked away.

“Of course. Yes, you are… human.”

“Well, then you shall travel with me. Our village is only a short distance away. What is your name, stranger?”

“I… do not know what my name is.”

It is not easy to figure out who is saying what, here. I was pulled up for the same thing early on in my SG. Adding a few actions helps identify who is who, helps build the characters and adds a little animation to the scene.

For example:

Uncomfortably, he moved to break it. “Hello… friend. I wonder, could you point me to the nearest human settlement?”

The being's facial quills quivered for a moment. “Yes. I will take you to my village,” he replied after a moment's pause.

The machine brought its head closer to its companion.“Your village. Your village has… humans?” it asked.

“Surely, for am I not human?”

The two stared at each other. The machine looked away.

“Of course. Yes, you are… human.”

“Well, then you shall travel with me," replied the other, turning about and skittering towards the foot of the cliff on its three legs. "Our village is only a short distance away." Suddenly he stopped, and turned back to his mechanical companion. "What is your name, stranger?”

“I… do not know what my name is.”

Probably not exactly right, but I hope you get the idea.

Also watch out for tense - there are a few present tense sentences slipping in there.

Until the hero is given the name 'Redemption', he is always being referred to as 'The red one'. Perhaps you could vary that a bit, which will help keep the visual description of him in mind.

Overall I found this chapter happened a bit too fast. Suddenly we are introduced to a lot of characters with little understanding of what the community is about. Also I am curious as to why Redemption and this community have so readily accepted one another without any questions, mistrust, etc. Also it seems that Redemption is suddenly remembering rather a lot considering he doesn't even know what he is or what his real name is. Too much superficial information and not enough detail can lead to confusion.

Watch out for things being too convenient... slow it down some.

Have voted!
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 6:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I've had a tie for three days now. Will somebody vote?

And as for being too convenient... We shall see.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 5:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The poll seems to be closed, but it looks lke it was broken anyway. Aren';t Zerglings on Starcraft?
Just browsing, thank-you.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 5:27 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

How can you day that?

I'm assuming it should be say.

Anyway, this is quite an interesting story. I'm looking forward to the next chappy.

I was hated my entire life, and things only got worse when my sister told me she hated me, too. I walked away, and was rescued by three travelers. That night, we were hunted and separated, but we found each other in the end. I met my sister again in a town quite similar to our own. She apologized with such regret that I found the heart to forgive her. We're now together, but things will never be the same.

Read Strength Within, by Adalia.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 6:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

From his perch in the cavern, Knowledge watched as Redemption conversed with Wrist. The red metallic being, crisscrossed with hairline cracks, was still better constructed then any shinebeast he had ever seen. And, of course, there was his size to factor in. There was no doubt this one was powerful.

From a group of stragglers, a legless hag pulled herself over to him. Her face was stretched taught over her skull, and her three-fingered hands protruded bone. The strang flowing cloth she wore was as black as her scraggly thin hair. She turned her hateful gaze upon Redemption.

“The others of the village are too trusting in your judgment to say anything, but we’re all thinking it. That is a shinebeast, no argument.”

Knowledge clacked his beak. “He is not a shinebeast.”

“The fact is, he is not to be trusted. He will slaughter us in our sleep if we let him run wild!”

“Wisdom, you have argued with me over every choice I’ve made.”

“For good reason! You are completely capable of failure, as your actions with this new creature demonstrate—“

Knowledge nodded as the hunting party entered. “Strength! Come over here.”

A man with a lopsided head and a single braid of brown hair separated from the group. His build was squat, but very powerful, and wore baggy shorts. Every muscle in his right arm was defined to a pristine condition, and his six-fingered right hand looked able to wrap around anything’s neck. Only his left arm, shrunken to the point of vestigial use, looked out of place.

“You called?”

“You’re taking the new one out on you hunt. He’s called Redemption. Watch for longteeth.”

Strength nodded and returned to the group.

“You’re sending him out on a hunt?” Wisdom clenched her hands, which must have been painful for her. “He’ll kill all the hunters!”

“Three stillborns and five deaths this week alone.” Knowledge sighed, watching as the hunting party left. “We need all the help we can get.”


“This is Long,” Flab said, pulling Redemption over to meet the man. Dark skinned and with four legs, Long extended his right arm to its most and grasped the metal one’s hand in greeting. His left eye appeared to have been gored out a few years back. He was incredibly thin, to the point where it amazed Redemption he could walk.

A feeling had been building up for a while, one that Redemption had yet to identify. In an epiphany, he realized it was revulsion. Revulsion at the life these people had to live in a land that he vaguely remembered as being wonderful.

“So, you going out on the hunt?” A new figure entered the conversation, returning from his brief chat with Knowledge.

“Redemption, this is Strength,” Flab sad, fingering a quill nervously. “He, ah, has some issues with, well—“

“Shinebeasts killed my son.”

Redemption froze. Then, slowly, he bowed his head. “I am very sorry to hear that.”

“He went to their lands. It was a fair move.”


”I only trust you as far as Knowledge does. He stops trusting you, and your life ends.”

Redemption balked at this simple, emotionless threat. True, he was a bit of a stranger in these parts, but death? This was unprovoked…

“Flab, you arranged the party, who’s coming with?” The muscular man turned to the tripod, who began counting off his fingers

“Me, Long, you, Redemption, the Twins, maybe Spider.”


“You know how she is.”

Strength nodded and rubbed his weak arm. “Let’s go round them up. Not you,” he added as Redemption stepped forward. “You stay here. Polish that metal of yours.”

Redemption paused, then nodded. “I suppose you know what you are doing.”

“Have to. Else I’d die.” Strength motioned to Flab and Long, and the all maneuvered their way down the rocks.

As they headed off, Redemption looked at the sky. The sun was beating down in a cloudless sky, scorching the ground and the people below it. The fields of thin, scraggly plants were carefully tended by the strange beings that appeared to believe themselves human. A six-legged lizard skittered by, pausing to glance up at him, then moving on.

The world had taken a very strange turn.


“So, what are we hunting?”

Spider turned her bald eyeless head to Redemption. “Scrobras,” she hissed in her sibilant voice. “They spit death and have a barbed tail.”

She returned her head to its former position, one that allowed her to pick up a multitude of quiet sounds, and crawled onward. Her spine was at a right angle to her pelvis, so she always needed to keep one of her two pairs of arms on the ground. But most frightening was her expression, one that remained unaffected by fear, love, hate….

She had also obtained a grey leotard. Redemption wisely deigned not to comment.

“I still don’t think taking this shinebeast along was a good idea,” commented the left twin.

“And if we didn’t?” queried her sister. “I want him where we can see him.”

“Enough,” Long said suddenly. “Knowledge trusts him.”

Redemption looked down at the Twins. Their hair had the same quill quality as Flab, and their skin was dotted with scaly growths. They were mostly human otherwise, though they shared a pair of legs. The complicated two-top dress they wore was obviously a jury-rigged solution. Their most unfortunate tendency, in his observance, was that they would quarrel over whether the sky was blue or denim in color.

Strength held up his hand. They all fell silent.

In front of them was a dip in the land. Slithering around it, black as the rocks, what presumably were the scrobras. Their tails were capped by massive stingers, and their lidless eyes slowly lifted to peer at the hunters with mild interest. Each one was around two meters long, and all looked able to crush rocks in their powerful coils.

Very quietly, the twins handed out spears to each of the hunters. Redemption took his with a slight nod. The group spread out and took positions in a semicircle around the mass of reptiles.

“Aim for their heads,” Strength advised. “Locks their jaw, so they can’t spit.”

There was a brief moment of tension, as the hunters watched the scrobras who looked at them quietly.

Strength nodded.

The spears were thrown.

In an instant, the scrobras changed from resting harmlessly to rising and expanding their cowls. The hunters ducked down as an ominous hiss filled the air. Redemption, unprepared, was assaulted by a spray of liquid that drained harmlessly down his torso. The scrobras, unfazed, began to slither toward him, barbs raised.

“Second volley!”

Strength’s command brought the hunters back up to throw their other spears. They dodged down immediately, but one scrobra moved fast and managed to hit Spider. She gave an involuntary yip, and Redemption started towards her.

“Stop!” ordered Strength. “You’re covered in poison, you’d make it worse!”

The scrobras, hissing angrily, slithered onwards. One managed to jam its barb into Redemption, without effect. The creature emitted a startled, almost human gasp, pulling back its tail. The red one picked it up and flung it desperately back into the depression.

Innumerable black heads followed the trajectory of their brother. Then, with a final hiss, they retreated, soon merging with the mountainside.

The hunters stood, examining their kills.

“Twelve,” commented Strength. “Not bad for one outing. Twins, gather the spears. Long, tend to Spider.”

“And I?”

Strength looked the metal giant up and down. “You? You’re covered in scrobra spit. Find some way to wipe that off, we can’t waste water back at the village.”

Redemption nodded. “I will try. How would you suggest--?”

A loud, screeching howl pierced the area, It was followed by another, and another, and yet another…

Strength grabbed a spear from the twins and threw it. A yelp and a gurgle later, a canine covered in thick grey quills fell at Redemption’s feet. Its mouth was propped open by the spear embedded in its jaw, and for an instant he saw the yellowed half-meter incisors.

“Longteeth,” pronounced Strength, pulling out the spear. “They know where we are.”

“We’re too far from the village,” said Spider. “They won’t know to send the guard—Ouch!”

“Hold still,” ordered the left twin, wrapping her venom burn. “You got it all over your shoulder.”

Long said nothing, only took a pair of spears.

“Redemption, you must get to the village and bring the guard,” growled Strength. “You’re the only one that can fight through the longteeth. You hear me? Get the guard! We can hold out for as long as it takes!”
Death is nearing. How shall we ward it off? I wish to know from you...
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:53 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What sand?

Okay, so we've got move as a group to the village and skin the shoulder. Did I hear that right?
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 3:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 9:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 5:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Is anybody else going to suggest anything, or do I have to make all the options myself?
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 5:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Patience, Masterweaver. Your chapter has barely been up 3 days. Give it a week before putting up a poll, and announce when your poll is going up about 24 hours beforehand.

I'm catching up on a few SG's right now and will be getting around to yours soon.

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 4:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nicely written MW. I said I'd comment after the 4th chapter, and here I am.

Just one little thing I caught. A word repetition...

Redemption looked at the sky. The sun was beating down in a cloudless sky,

As for the DP. There appears to be no shelter yes? If they can find shelter, get to it whilst Red fight the longteeth. Use the poison all over his body if it affects them to cover their spears to help the others.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

f5 crunchy, patience MW. don't get too bossy with your readers, or you may lose them through your attitude.

I pictured a barren waste, and having lived in the desert, i also pictured sand that Red could roll in. And i also agree that the best idea would be to move towards the village as a group, using red to fend of attackers and thus allowing everyone to get back to the village safely.

Good chapter Mw, look forwards to seeing more writing from you.
Cause I am, whatever you say I am
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 4:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

They're in the mountains. I've made that point mulriple times.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 1:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

We've got run as a group and seek shelter. ANYTHING ELSE?
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'd think that running as a group would be difficult, as all four sides would be open to attack and Longteeth seem to be stealthy and quick. If Red made a diversion so that a runner could get through, that might work if he could attract the attention of all the Longteeth - after all, he is probably nearly immune to their teeth because he's metal. Of course, this works better if they have some sort of shelter. I also liked Chinaren's idea of using the venom.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 26, 2008 2:25 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Right, that's diversion, run, and hide. I'll be back with a poll very soon. Get your suggestions in NOW!
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 27, 2008 12:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Let's add a little twist, shall we?

Now that the poll is up, you're voting on what to do. You are also, however, voting on who to die. Each option has an associated person who will die if you select it.

The catch? I'm not saying which is which.

Sharpen those axes of voting!
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

“I refuse to leave you alone with these beasts!”

Get the guard, shinebeast!” barked Spider, wincing as her should lanced with pain. “You can’t fight them all off!”

“He’s made his choice,” Strength intervened. “We should respect that.” He gripped his spear tensely.

“But these are longteeth!” cried the left twin. “They snagged Wrist!”

“I will hold them off as best I can,” Redemption replied, bracing himself. “You all go back to the village.”

The howling, inhuman, hungry, incessant, drew nearer. Long threw one of his spears over a boulder. A yelp resounded.

“They’re too close,” he announced, taking another spear. “You cannot hope to hold them all off.”

“Not forever. Just long enough for you to get back.” Without waiting for a reply, Redemption bounded over the boulder.

The pack was startlingly large. Four of the spiny wolves were already on the ledge, and at least eight more were clambering up the mountain. One of the nearer ones sniffed and leapt toward him. He flashed out his arm—

Metal shifted, clicks clacked, cracks appeared and were mended---

The wolf became impaled on the ragged blade. Redemption pushed it off onto the ground. The three other longteeth leapt upon the corpse in a cannibalistic frenzy.

He watched as his sword morphed back into a hand. It was slightly disconcerting to se his skin, his very flesh, changing right in front of him.

He looked up, around. There were the hunters, quickly carrying the Scrobra corpses up the mountain and glancing fearfully down. A small group of longteeth was getting close to them.

Redemption leapt to the group and began slapping them off with his powerful arms. “Go on! I’ll hold them off!”

The hunters needed no other incentive, merely speeding up in reply.

Redemption managed to fight off the last longtooth, and stood to survey his working---


Immediately Redemption assumed the worst. He ran towards the source of the cry. The sight that befell him---

A cave, darkest of darks---

The massive unfurled sails---

The red, bloodthirsty eyes---

The hunters, running, running, running---

Long, spears outstretched---

The massive, fanged maw---

He could not get there in time---



“How did you fair?” Knowledge asked, as the hunters came to the cave.

“The hunt itself had few injuries,” Strength reported, slapping the Scrobras on the cavern floor. “Redemption was hit a lot, but he’s a shinebeast. Spider, though, got blasted in the shoulder.”

“Long is not with you?”

Strength paused. “He… held off a skinwing.”

Knowledge remained quiet for a moment. “I see. He was… he was a good man.”

“And a great hunter. He always wanted to snag a skinwing.”

“Indeed.” Knowledge looked over at Redemption, who was sitting quietly on the other side of the cavern. “What about him?”

“When we were attacked by longteeth, I ordered him to get the guard. He refused to leave us. He managed to keep them all at bay. He tried to get the skinwing, but---”

“So. Loyal, headstrong. Refuses to leave his companions in danger. Sounds similar to a hunter I once knew, yes?”

Strength looked away. “That man died with my son. I am wiser now.”

“Perhaps,” mused Knowledge. “In any event, I believe it is safe to keep him around.” He unfolded to a standing position. “I shall go speak to him.” He began levering himself across the cavern floor.

Wisdom hobbled over to Strength. “I don’t trust him. According to Spider, he is the reason Long died.”

“She would say that, wouldn’t she.”

“He’s a shinebeast, no doubt about it. He plans to murder us all.”

Strength glared at the hag. “If you had seen how he risked his life—“

“Risk? He’s a shinebeast! They have no lives to risk!”

“I will listen to you no more.” Strength walked away, quickly and precisely.
“Strength tells me you fought off longteeth.”

Redemption stared into the distance. “What does it mean when I can’t protect my friends from death?”

Knowledg sighed and nodded. “Aye. Long was a very helpful man to have around, and well liked at that. He chose how he would die, I think.”

“Why did he? Why would anyone choose how to die?”

“It’s one of the few choices we have left. I don’t doubt for a moment that he has gone to the grand realm, and I know exactly what he said when he got there.” Knowledg folded down. “’What shall I overcome today?’”

There was a moment of silence.

“This is not what I was meant for.”

Redemption stood. “I was not meant to see a man die helplessly at the hands of a wild animal. I was meant to… to… to do something, I don’t know, but to do something!”

“You could lead a hunting party---“

“No. No, it’s something different then that. I know… I know what I mean, but…”

“You are old. Perhaps the ancients gave you a task to do?”

“That must be it. They gave me a task. I just…”

Redemption sat down, face in hands. “I don’t know what it is anymore.”

Knowledge nodded. “Perhaps the shinebeasts would know.”

Redemption lifted his head. “I’ve been meaning to ask, what are shinebeasts?”

Knowledge chuckled. “Nobody really knows. Some say they were the old servants of the ancients. Others believe they were rocks granted life. They have no souls, though, so they are immortal. Perhaps they can recall your task.”

“Everyone here seems to hate shinebeasts.”

“Reasonable. The shinebeasts have always viewed mankind as inferior. They alone are glad the ancients fell.”

Redemption pondered. “You say they may know what I am?”


“I should speak to them, then.”

Knowledge closed his three eyes. “I would suggest leaving at sunset. You could travel through the night without the danger of heat.”

Redemption nodded. “Very well. I shall stay until then.”
And now...

The stars awake, blinking their sleep of the day away. They see the red one, poised to leave. But what is this?

The humans have come to send him off.

“I thank you for your help,” says the one with three eyes. “And in return, I help you. These men have agreed to journey with you as long as they are able. Go and find the shinebeasts, learn what you are, and return to tell me.”

He levers himself to the cavern. The red one watches him, then turns to those assembled…
Two-way poll. First, which of the known character join him? Second, what NEW characters join him?
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I agree. Taking humans along would strain relations, at best, and would also slow him down.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 5:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So we eve the humans behind. Any other suggestions?
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 9:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Maybe the humans could go with him a little way, and then turn back,leaving him to go the rest of his way on his own.
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